Twitter response: "Could not authenticate you."

Competition Update: FAI Sailplane Grand Prix USA 2016

From July 24 to 31, 2016, the first-ever FAI Sailplane Grandprix USA was held in Ionia, Michigan. In total, 16 pilots competed, including 5 Canadians (Jerzy Szemplinski, Sergei Morozov, Krzysztof Wiercioch, Nick Bonniere, and Emmanuel Cadieux). You can read more about all the pilots here

Maria Szemplinska SGP Ionia 1 

The goal of the grandprix racing style is to provide a new racing format for pilots and to increase the public visibility of the sport. The rules for grandprix racing differ from that of regular contests. In this style of contest, the start gate opens and pilots begin the race together. Each contest is a fixed task of about 200km. This results in closely flown tasks and exciting finishes. No more than 20 pilots may compete in one competition. You can learn more about grand prix racing here and read the full rules here.
In the end Canadian Jerzy Szemplinski won the contest, with American Jerzy Zieba taking second place and Canadian Sergei Morozov taking third place. Congratulations to all the pilots!

Maria Szemplinska SGP Ionia 8

Maria Szemplinska SGP Ionia 3

You can see more information about the Ionia contest on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. The full scores can be viewed here.
Stay tuned for the World Grand Prix in Potchefstroom, South Africa November 5-12, 2016!
Photo credits in this post to Maria SzemplinskaThis post was written by Selena Phillips-Boyle.

SAC 2016 AGM Reports

For members who were unable to attend the AGM, a digital version of the SAC 2016 AGM Reports has been uploaded to the website. This document includes the 2015 AGM Minutes, SAC Board of Director Reports (President, Pacific Zone, Alberta Zone, Prairie Zone, Southern Ontario Zone, Eastern Ontario Zone, and East Zone), SAC Treasurer Reports, and 2015 Committee Reports (Airspace, FAI Badges, Flight Training and Safety, Free Flight, Insurance, Records, Sporting, Safety, Technical, and Website).

 You can download it here.

Southern Ontario Events

Several gliding events are planned for Southern Ontario this summer:

SOSA Basic Country-Country Clinic: Monday July 27th to Friday July 31st

To be held at SOSA Gliding Club near Rockton, ON. Non-SOSA participants should bring their own glider. Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for more details.

Ontario Provincial Soaring Championships: Friday September 4th to Monday September 7th

To be held at SOSA Gliding Club near Rockton, ON. Friday, September 4th is a practice day.


2016 SAC AGM

Association Canadienne de Vol à Voile
Assemblée Annuelle 2016 ACVV - SAC et Colloque de sécurité et de mise à jour des connaissances
L’ACVV-SAC vous invite à l’AGM 2016 de Montréal.
Samedi 12 mars 2016 de 9h à 17h.
Elle aura lieu à la Maison de Radio-Canada,
1400, Boulevard René-Lévesque Est, Montréal, QC H2L 2M2
Les sujets traités seront d’intérêt général, liés à la sécurité en planeur
Sa présence est une mise à jour des connaissances selon le RAC 401.05
Il sera possible de manger sur place à la cafeteria à vos frais
SVP s'inscrire en remplissant le formulaire en ligne suivant: Formulaire d'Inscription AGA ACVV

Si besoin, voici un hotel à proximité:

Hôtel Gouverneur Montréal Place Dupuis
1415, rue Saint-Hubert
Montréal (Québec) H2L 3Y9
Tel: 514 842-4881
ou Sans frais : 1-888-910-1111
Code de réservation : 160311SAC
(117$+taxes par nuit si réservé avant le 11 févier 2016)
Samedi 12 mars 2016
- 8:30 Arrivé des participants et inscription
- 9:00 Colloque de sécurité- Accueil et mot de bienvenue
- 9:05 Sylvain Bourque, pilote professionnel d'UAV et chef pilote/Instructeur National pour CBC/Radio-Canada et instructeur à l'AVVC fera une présentation sur l'utilisation professionnelle d'UAV -Drone dans l'espace aérien Canadien
- 10:00 Pause café
- 10:15 Meteo vol à voile / sécurité - Jean Richard
- 11:00 AGM ACVV - SAC
- 12:00 Diner et Remise des trophées ACVV-SAC
- 13:10 Emmanuel Cadieux - Mondiaux Junior d’Australie - Décembre 2015
- 13:30 Rapport de l’officier de sécurité National ACVV-SAC David Donaldson
- 14:30 Dealing with emergencies Dan Cook, Directeur FTSC - ACVV)
- 17:00 fin du séminaire
- 19:00 Souper, endroit à déterminer


Soaring Association of Canada
2016 Annual General Meeting and SAC Safety Seminar
SAC invites you to the 2016 Montreal AGM
Saturday, March 12th from 9 am to 5 pm
The AGM will be held at the Maison de Radio-Canada (CBC),
1400, Boulevard René-Lévesque Est, Montréal, QC H2L 2M2
Discussions will be of general interest and safety related
Attending to this seminar will satisfy the recency requirements of CARS 401.05
Lunch at cafeteria will be available on site at your own expense
Please register by completing the online registration form: SAC AGM Registration Form
Nearby Hotel If Required:
Hôtel Gouverneur Montreal Place Dupuis
1415, rue Saint-Hubert
Montreal (QC) H2L 3Y9
Phone: 514 842-4881
Toll free : 1-888-910-1111
Reservation Code : 160311SAC
(117$+tax per night if reserved before February 11th 2016)
Saturday March 12th
- 8:30 Arrival of attendees and registration
- 9:00 Welcome and opening of seminar
- 9:05 Sylvain Bourque, Commercial UAV pilot and National chief pilot/Instructor for CBC / Radio-Canada and Instructor at Champlain, will do a presentation about commercial UAV - Drone use in Canadian airspace
- 10:00 Coffee Break
- 10:15 Weather and safety - Jean Richard
- 11:00 SAC AGM
- 12:00 Lunch - SAC awards and trophies
- 13:10 Emmanuel Cadieux - Junior worlds report - Australia - December 2015
- 13:30 National safety officer 2015 report - David Donaldson
- 14:30 Dealing with emergencies - Dan Cook, Chairman of SAC FTSC
- 15:30 Break
- 17:00 End of seminar
- 19:00 Dinner - location TBD

News from Canadian clubs

C-FFAG First Flight
By Sandrine GressardOn Friday, May 18, 2018, I flew my glider for the very first time. Prior to take-off, I went through the entire spectrum of emotions: fear, excitement, doubt, anxiety, happiness,......
MayFly 2018 Fly Day 1 results
Further to KB's posting, here are the results. We aren't flying today, but tomorrow looks good. AT did not fly (Contest Director), making sure everything ran smoothly...
Mayfly 2018, Day 1
We had a good first day of competition for Mayfly 2018. Is was blue again, just as it has been for the past few weeks of soaring in the area. Thermals were...
First "vache" of the year
As soon as we launched at 12:10 on Thursday, we could see that the day would be better then we had expected. Cu's began to form even though it was suppose to...
More spring checks and training flights
Another day of good soaring brings an almost perfect score for this first weekend in May. While a team of dedicated owners performed aircraft weighing in the Boudreault hangar with Niall digital scales,...

SAC news feed

Visit this page frequently or ask your webmaster to publish our news on your club's site feed-image with this link

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