folder Cross-Country

Presentations and documents on getting started in cross-country flying and improving your cross-country flying skills


pdf CNL3 InboundIFR KOGS Popular

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Overflights of the Brockville Regional Tackaberry Airport (CNL3) by IFR aircraft inbound to Ogdensbury, NY (KOGS)

pdf Cross Country Speed Optimization Popular

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Cross-Country Speed Optimization.pdf

This presentation produced by Jerzy Szemplinski offers an insight into the strategic decisions pilots make to optimize their speed.

pdf Cross-Country Philosophy Popular

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XC philosophy 101.pdf

Written by Steve Hill, Soaring Philosophy 101 offers you some basic tools to help you align your thought processes in a manner conducive to achieving a Silver badge cross-country flight.

pdf Cross-Country Strategy Popular

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Written by Joerg Stieber, this document will help you understand the strategic decisions top pilots consider in improving their cross-country speed.  

pdf Flight Analysis Popular

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Read this to learn how to analyze information provided by flight recorders, which are great for proving flights have been completed for the purpose of competitions and badges.

pdf Flying Faster Popular

By 8785 downloads

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There comes a time that you want to fly a little bit faster. This report by John Cochrane will help illuminate some small difference in pilot technique that make a significant difference for speed.

pdf Introduction to Cross-Country Popular

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Intro to XC.pdf

This handy booklet written by Kai Gertsen reviews the practical aspects of cross-country soaring for the aspiring cross-country pilot. As the same techniques apply to contest flying, this material is also helpful for those intending to join the world of competitive soaring.

document Landing Out Popular

By 7628 downloads

Sooner or later, you are going to land out. Read this report to learn what you need to know to land out safely and with style.

document Meteorology for Soaring Pilots Popular

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Met for Soaring Pilots.pps

Understanding the weather is the prerequisite to reaching your soaring goals. This report, written by Joerg Stieber, will introduce you to the basic concepts you need to know and why they will matter to you.

pdf Notes on Weather Websites Popular

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Notes on Weather Websites.pdf

This document contains a list of web-based weather resources and explains how to interpret the data they report.

pdf OLC Canada RULES Popular

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OLC-Canada RULES.pdf

Canada's OLC Rules.

Compiled by Tony Firmin.

pdf Outlanding Popular

By 7619 downloads

Kai Gertsen provides invaluable insights on how to avoid accidents during off-airport landings in this training manual.

pdf Psychology and Contest Flying (Inner Game) Popular

By 7564 downloads

pdf Solving the Speed Run How we broke the 200kph barrier Popular

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Solving the Speed Run - How we broke the 200kph barrier.pdf

document Thermalling Popular

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document Thermalling Basics Popular

By 10463 downloads

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pdf Training for Cross-Country Flying Popular

By 8848 downloads

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pdf Transitioning To Advanced Cross-Country & Contest Flying Popular

By 7468 downloads

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Transition To Advanced.pdf

pdf Understanding Airspace Files Popular

By 8967 downloads

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pdf Weather Links for Soaring Pilots Popular

By 7659 downloads

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Weather Links from Dave.pdf